Linking my inquiry question to the Practising Teacher Criteria
This critical inquiry will show ways that I am meeting my professional responsibility to evidence how my teacher practices align with the Practising Teacher Criteria. While meeting the criteria I am also meaningfully and passionately following my own inquiry. This inquiry is born from a desire to know more about the impact of play or lack of play on children's wellbeing and learning. I have not had a deficit view of where my own learning and knowledge lies but rather thought about what inspires me and from there have created an inquire that will have the same effect as throwing a pebble in a pond. Tinkering, play and playing with ideas may seem a small pebble in a big pond but I am confident that there will be a continual stretching of my own ideas as I read, reflect and evidence practice. This is the same premise we hold for children's learning - that teachers would plan and support learning to grow through the child's passion or interest - not planning for what they do not know but rather what they bring by way of knowledge, interest, spirit and passion. This make learning exciting and vibrant. Below is an excerpt from the Education Council website plus a link to the resource that guides my teaching practice.
Having these as part of this blog will assist me in lining up my ideas with the individual criteria and may also help readers understand my thinking.
The Practising Teacher Criteria are used by teachers in early childhood education services, schools, other approved settings and in English and Māori medium settings. They are for recent graduates from from an initial teacher education programme, as well as experienced teachers, professional leaders and teacher educators.
Having these as part of this blog will assist me in lining up my ideas with the individual criteria and may also help readers understand my thinking.
The Practising Teacher Criteria are used by teachers in early childhood education services, schools, other approved settings and in English and Māori medium settings. They are for recent graduates from from an initial teacher education programme, as well as experienced teachers, professional leaders and teacher educators.
Reflective Question: How do I advance the learning of my ākonga through critical inquiry
within my professional learning? I feel that I am meeting this Criteria 12 through creating an inquiry question based on something that I am curious about. Overtime I am sure that my thinking and practice will shift as I consider the effects of play.
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