Connection, connection, connection

In my previous post I started to think about the importance of connection with whānau and how knowing the mokopuna in the context of their whānau strengthens our ability to respond to the individual tamaiti. Te Whāriki says, 

"Children learn and develop best when their culture, knowledge and community are affirmed and when the people in their lives help them to make connections across settings.
It is important that kaiako develop meaningful relationships with whānau and that they respect their 
aspirations for their children, along with those of hapū, iwi and the wider community."

The learning story Nanny's Jandals melts my heart. Paisley is one of my moko and I have loved following her learning journey through the learning stories. Tanya, the kaiako, knows Paisley and the whānau so well. This started with having a touch stone kaiako strategy in place, which of course continued on as the relationship between the centre and the whānau grew. What a beautiful learning story that acknowledges the learning and the importance of connection for Paisley and her whānau. Paisley found her feet by knowing that she was surrounded by a whānau that love her. It is impossible to think of the tamariki outside the context of their whānau. Connection, connection, connection, whānau are those that give insight to past, present and future, insight to all that the mokopuna brings with them. Their invisible rōpū.

While the learning story celebrates who Paisley is and her learning it also has another layer to consider. Tanya has been able to weave her own learning into the story as she ponders on the words of Neufeld and what they mean for her and her teaching practice. Isn't this far more meaningful for kaiako than writing a reflection. This way of recording our own learning fits within ECE as it is about evidencing the learning of the kaiako in connection to the mokopuna and sits within a story.

"We liberate our children not by making them work for our love, but letting them rest in it". Gordon Neufeld.


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